
April 2023 Newsletter

All the latest news from 27th Norwich Scouts, including details of some upcoming group-wide events which we’d love to see you be a part of.

Our fundraising events keep your membership subscriptions among the lowest locally, and our Quiz Night took over £500, so they really do make a difference!

St George’s Day Celebration

7pm – 8:30pm on Friday 21st April

Our group will get together at the hall to celebrate the patron saint of scouts.

All Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and their families are welcome to join us with activities to try, entertainment from our young people and refreshments to keep you going.

Pop Up Cafe

10am – 2pm on Saturday 13th May

Our trustees will be hosting a pop up cafe full of delicious hand made treats and community spirit for everyone to get together and raise funds for the group, please come if you’re free and spread the word.

Later in the year

We’ve got some other great group events planned this year, so pop the dates in your diary and look out for more information nearer the time.

Got an idea for a fundraising event, or somewhere we could take our members to visit, let us know! We’d love to have your input and tap into your knowledge.

Friday 21st July – AGM & Family Night

Our Annual General Meeting to let you know everything we’ve been up to and plans for the year ahead – with refreshments, special awards and great activities.

Saturday 23rd September – Aviation Museum Visit

All Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will be invited to join us for a day at City of Norwich Aviation Museum working towards their Air Activities staged badges.

Saturday 30th September – Race Night

Feeling lucky? Join us for our race night, raising much needed funds for the group and guaranteed fun for all!

And finally…

Got an interesting hobby or skills?

If you have a particular hobby, job or skills, we’d love you to come along and share your passion with our members.

With badges covering everything from money skills and space, to gardening and martial arts, there’s bound to be something we can learn from the skills you can share.

Please speak to a leader if you can!

Hire our Hall

Did you know our hall is available for hire? Whether you’re organising a birthday party or bake sale, we’d love to host your event.

We have extremely competitive rates and all funds go directly to our scout group, keeping your subs low!

For more details, visit our website or email

Textile recycling

Don’t forget about our textile bank, helping the planet and our group!

We’d love to have bagged:

  • Clothing
  • Paired shoes
  • Belts
  • Handbags

16th April 2023     News

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Hire our Hall

You can book our hall for parties, functions, meetings and other events. The hall is used most weeknights for Scouts & Guiding, but is available weekday daytime and most weekends are also available to hire.

© 27th Norwich (New Costessey) 2024. Registered charity number 1046258.

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